
There are 54 results.


AGreeNew - New biobased products of the agricultural biorefinery

AGreeNew aims to expand the product portfolio of the agricultural biorefinery. Sour whey, farm manure and green silage will be used as raw materials to produce biosurfactants, fertilizers and protein-rich animal feed. The production processes of these valuable products will be assessed in terms of sustainability and economic potential.


BATTBOX - BATTeryrecycling Best Operations by X-processes for circular battery ecosystem

In the BATTBOX project, e-mobility traction batteries are analysed for their cycle capability. The design and structure of battery systems are examined and evaluated regarding potential hazards. Based on this, the best possible handling and processing procedures are developed to improve and optimize the product life cycle regarding safety and recyclability.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Bio-based substitution of fossil raw materials and products

To support the bio-based substitution of fossil raw materials and products, the fossil material flows in Austria for the reference year 2015 were collected and analysed. Furthermore, a broad bio-based technology research was part of the present study.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Biobased Plastics Scenario 2050 - plastics made from renewable resources

A “2050 scenario - plastics made from renewable resources (bio-based plastics)” has been developed. The hypothetical target of this scenario is for bio-based plastics to have a 100 % market share of product manufacturing in the EU. The scenario provides the basis for further national RTI activities and for recommendations for regulation.


BitKOIN - CO2-reduced binding agent through thermochemical conversion of mineral wool waste combinations

In the BitKOIN project, conceptual, experimental and model research activities are conducted in order to develop a substitute material for ground-granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS). First, mineral wool waste and other mineral residues, which are required as additives to achieve the desired chemistry, are sampled representatively. The materials are then characterized chemically, mineralogically and physically and are additionally classified according to waste regulations. By thermochemical conditioning of the mineral wool waste, combined with the other waste materials, the "Huettensand 2.0" (GGBS 2.0) is developed. The project aims to develop the "Huettensand 2.0" , a durable GGBS substitute.


BuildReUse ‐ 100 percent re‐use and recycling in buildings with short usage cycles

Some buildings, such as supermarkets or office buildings, are often demolished and rebuilt after a few years or at least have their interiors changed, turning large quantities of building components into waste. The BuildReUse project aims to develop circular economy concepts for these buildings and to promote the necessary change in the construction industry.


Business model innovations for rental and service models in the manufacturing sector

The project aims to contribute to a better understanding of the economic and ecological potentials of an implementation of lending and service models in the manufacturing sector in Austria and to show which changes and R&D efforts are necessary so that these can be realized by suitable business models.


CE4ALL – Circular economy for all – Incentives, enablers and inhibitors for sustainable consumption

Based on an analysis of current milieu-specific consumption behavior, the CE4ALL project aims to identify sector-specific incentives and enablers for strengthening the circular economy and to uncover inhibitors. Another focus of this work is the consideration of inclusion aspects. CE4ALL is working on a consumption-centered investigation beyond the previously production-oriented considerations of the circular economy.


CEPAM – Circular Economy Powder for Additive Manufacturing

In the CEPAM research project, a recycling process for high-quality metal powders for additive manufacturing is developed. Various methods of energy input are being evaluated for energy efficiency, scalability and powder quality and built up on a pilot scale. The recycled metal powder is characterized and processed in the Laser Powder Bed Fusion process. In order to compare the mechanical properties of the printed components, parts are printed from both new and recycled powder.


CICA - Chlorella in circular aquaculture

Project CICA allows the detailed investigation of fish wastewater and its treatment by algae cultivation, as well as the design and construction of a special photobioreactor to purify wastewater and produce fish at the same time.


CircuPack - Recyclable materials for food packaging with a low ecological footprint

The goal of the project is to develop sustainable and environmentally friendly food packaging with an improved ecological footprint. It is important to develop a new process control that ensures both food compatibility and the sustainability of the resulting product.


Circular Design - Getting from theory into practice

The project aims to provide recommendations for areas of action and measures that should promote the widespread use of circular design in Austria. For this purpose, the status quo of circular design in Austria is surveyed based on the circular design rules, obstacles for implementation are identified and best practice examples are presented.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Circular Economy Compass (KLW-Komp)

The Circular Economy Compass project will develop a responsive online self-assessment tool for the circular economy in SMEs. Based on a theory-based evaluation scheme, it will be possible to determine a company's degree of preparedness for a circular economy at a reasonable cost. To this end, the tool has a computational logic that automatically generates a circularity score (KPI, Key Performance Indicator) based on the answers.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Circular Economy Funding

In this project, online research and expert interviews were used to collect available funding opportunities for projects and measures within the field of circular economy. The results were transferred to a database and organized for searches according to suitability.


CircularBioMat – Recyclable biogenic materials for building installations and supply equipment

As part of CircularBioMat, numerous bio‐based materials – including bio‐polymers reinforced with natural fibers as well as recycled materials – are being tested for their suitability as a replacement for the petroleum‐based polymers that dominate technical building installations (TGA) and supply equipment.


CircularFood - High-quality products through cascading recycling cycles of residual materials from the food industry

The CircularFood project investigates the material and energetic cascading use of organic food residues from Austrian food production. The aim is to develop innovative processes for the extraction of high-quality protein components, liquid biofertilizers, organic plant substrates and peat substitutes in order to promote the circular economy and reduce CO2 emissions.


CycLR - Paint recycling and utilization of components

The CycLR project aims to implement a circular economy for water-based paints. A recycling process that enables the valorisation of recyclates is being developed, taking into account all parties involved in the value chain.


DeB-AT – Detection and separation of portable batteries from mixed waste using sensor technology and artificial intelligence

The DeB-AT project plans the development of a laboratory or pilot plant demonstrator for the targeted separation of batteries from mixed waste streams. The concept of the demonstrator follows the methodological elaboration of the necessary requirements of optical sensors and the separation technology for AI-supported detection of the general population of batteries.


DiRecT – Direct recycling and upcycling of titanium chips

In the project DiRecT, different new technologies will be developed and evaluated which make it possible to directly recycle the chips generated in the manufacturing process of high-quality titanium products or to produce directly from the chips near-net-shape components or improved semi-finished products (upcycling).


DigiTech4CE - Digital key technologies for circular production

DigitTech4CE analysed industrial cycles in discrete, digitalised production; their participants, advantages/disadvantages and framework conditions, as well as the key digital technologies required. Fields of action were developed, according to the needs of Austrian industry. Recommendations for action serve the development of sustainable, Austrian production that builds and expands competitiveness through circular innovations.