Projects in the Thematic Area

There are 7 results.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

CycLR - Paint recycling and utilization of components

The CycLR project aims to implement a circular economy for water-based paints. A recycling process that enables the valorisation of recyclates is being developed, taking into account all parties involved in the value chain.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Road-to-Road/ Verschränkung neuartiger Methoden zur effizienten „Road-to-Road“ Inwertsetzung von Altasphalt

The planned combination of experimental and model-based methods for assessing/describing the behavior of asphalt shall enable the goal-oriented optimization of the performance/durability of recycled asphalt, with the resulting positive effects (CO2 balance, transport distances, landfill volume) being quantified within the project.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

UPTextIL - Upcycling cellulose from used textiles into high-strength filaments using spinning technology in ionic liquids

The aim of the project is to develop a process for spinning cellulose from used textiles using ionic liquids, to analyze potential impurities in this recycling material stream, and to develop strategies for their removal or avoidance during the spinning process. The project aims to lay the foundations for closing the material cycle of cellulose from used textiles.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

DiRecT – Direct recycling and upcycling of titanium chips

In the project DiRecT, different new technologies will be developed and evaluated which make it possible to directly recycle the chips generated in the manufacturing process of high-quality titanium products or to produce directly from the chips near-net-shape components or improved semi-finished products (upcycling).

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

MeteoR – mechanical-thermochemical process combinations for the recycling of fine fractions from waste treatment facilities

In waste treatment plants large quantities of fine fractions are generated. Due to their heterogeneity and properties, these fractions are currently not used although they contain a whole range of materials that represent valuable resources. The aim of the project MeteoR is to enable the utilization of all components (mineral, metallic, and combustible) of fine fractions by combining mechanical and thermochemical processes, to close material cycles and to significantly contribute to the further development of the Austrian circular economy and the reduction of CO2 emissions.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

SHyRE - Sulfuric acid and hydrogen production for the electronics industry through innovative recycling

In SHyRE, an innovative process for sulfuric acid recycling is being developed. The aim is to efficiently produce high-purity sulfuric acid and hydrogen by combining novel decomposition processes with electrochemical methods.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Wastewater cycle. Cascadic recycling of wastewater and organic residue streams in buildings.

Basic research is being conducted for a sustainable cycle-oriented system for the building-integrated recycling of wastewater and food waste. This includes nutrient recovery for a sustainable circulation system (production of plant fertiliser and biochar), electricity production to meet the demand (up to 15 %) of plus-energy buildings, as well as water recovery for irrigation of the building's own or urban greenery and for summer cooling.