
There are 6 results.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Bio-based substitution of fossil raw materials and products

To support the bio-based substitution of fossil raw materials and products, the fossil material flows in Austria for the reference year 2015 were collected and analysed. Furthermore, a broad bio-based technology research was part of the present study.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Biobased Plastics Scenario 2050 - plastics made from renewable resources

A “2050 scenario - plastics made from renewable resources (bio-based plastics)” has been developed. The hypothetical target of this scenario is for bio-based plastics to have a 100 % market share of product manufacturing in the EU. The scenario provides the basis for further national RTI activities and for recommendations for regulation.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Investigation of the sustainable utilisation of carbon from methane pyrolysis

One of the possible alternative production routes for renewable hydrogen is methane pyrolysis. Compared to other, alternative production routes, methane pyrolysis has the lowest energy input (less than a quarter of water electrolysis) with a very high hydrogen yield.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Pyrolysis technologies in Europe

Technology overview of medium-fast pyrolysis for decentralised applications, for small and medium-sized enterprises and for the circular economy

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Scenarios for the Biobased Industry in Austria

In order to support the implementation of the Austrian Bioeconomy Strategy, three scenarios for the bio-based industry in Austria were developed. The present study is intended to serve as a solid overview and as a starting point for further detailed studies by other researchers.

Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

Secondary Phosphorus as Raw Material for the Chemical Industry

Recycling of Phosphorus as Contribution to the Security of Supply of Bioeconomy