Recycling materials

Even in a circular society, residual materials and waste cannot be completely avoided. At the end of several use cycles that are as long as possible, materials are recovered (Recycle, R9) or the energy contained in the materials is used (Recover, R10).

In order to process residual materials and waste into high-quality secondary raw materials and return them to the economic cycle, efficient systems for collection and processing are required. Secondary raw materials must meet the necessary quality requirements for the intended applications and be competitive with primary materials.

In terms of technological challenges, sorting systems that make it possible to separate new material flows and thus facilitate further processing are particularly important. The use of smart sensors and the use of information from the production and use of materials (digital product or material passport) are essential here.

The thermal utilization of residual materials and waste represents the R principle with the least circularity and, as an "energy topic", is not the focus of the RTI focus on the circular economy and production technologies.

Funded projects in the thematic area "Recycling of materials"