Bio-based industry

Biogenic raw materials are an important resource for the substitution of petroleum-based products and thus a contribution to de-fossilization. However, to contribute to sustainability, the limits of the regenerative capacity of natural systems must be taken into account.

The bio-based industry is a sub-area of the bioeconomy and focuses primarily on the material use of biogenic resources. When biomass is created by means of photosynthesis, CO2 is bound, which is only released again (theoretically in a climate-neutral way) in the case of thermal utilization or biological decomposition. This is in stark contrast to fossil raw materials, which release additional CO2 and therefore play a major role in climate change.

The vision and goals of an economy independent of fossil raw materials are set out in the Austrian Bioeconomy Strategy and their implementation in practice is specified in the Bioeconomy Action Plan (in the form of 112 measures). However, even biogenic raw materials are not available in unlimited quantities (e.g. land requirements), which is why bio-based products must also become recyclable.

With seasonal and decentralized sources and a relatively heterogeneous composition, biomass poses challenges for processing. In addition to process optimization and the use of residual materials, it is necessary to consider sustainability aspects over the entire life cycle in order to achieve economically competitive products with the lowest possible environmental impact.

In contrast to the manufacture of one or a few products with the simultaneous "disposal" of by-products, in so-called biorefineries all material flows are used as fully and to the highest possible quality. Residual materials are thus turned into raw materials that can be used again for material and energy purposes.

Research, development and innovation (RTI) is an essential basis for the optimal use of sustainable resources and thus for the transition to an oil-independent economy.

Projects on the topic of "Bio-based industry"