
Disclosure according to § 25 of the Media Act

Owner, publisher and media proprietor

Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK)

Radetzkystraße 2, A-1030 Vienna

Responsibility and coordination

Department of Energy and Environmental Technologies (Dept. III/3)
Management: Volker Schaffler, MA

Engineer René Albert, BSc
Co-Coordinator Circular Economy & Production Technologies
Department III/3: Energy and Environmental Technologies

DI Dr. techn. Ingo Hegny
Co-Coordinator Circular Economy & Production Technologies
Department III/5: Digital and key technologies for industrial innovation

Program management

FFG LogoAustrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
Sensengasse 1, A-1090 Vienna

Dr. Margit Haas
Team Leader Production, Quantum and Nanotechnology
Tel.: +43 (5) 7755 - 5080

DI Maria Bürgermeister-Mähr
Program management and submission advice
Tel.: +43 (5) 7755 - 5040

DI Dr. Sabine Dworak, BSc
Program Manager Energy & Environment
Tel: +43 57755 – 5050

ÖGUT - Austrian Society for Environment and Technology

Dr. Erika Ganglberger
Hollandstraße 10/46
A-1020 Vienna
Tel.: +43 (1) 315 63 93 - 25

Conception and technical realization

Wienfluss LogoWIENFLUSS KG
Nibelungengasse 8 / 2 / Top 12, A-1010 Vienna

Editorial support

ÖGUT LogoÖGUT - Austrian Society for Environment and Technology
Hollandstraße 10/46, A-1020 Vienna

Basic direction (disclosure according to § 25 Media Act)

The BMK's research and technology programs in the Climate Neutral City priority area also generate interesting findings and information for the general public. For this reason, the web platform was set up to prepare and make available program results in accordance with the principles of open access to research results. The web platform offers research reports, tools and other usable results in connection with the research and technology programs, as well as references to workshops and events. The web platform is also a window for European and international cooperation.

Rights of use and copyright

As part of the BMK's policy of open access to research publications issued by the BMK, these can be used free of charge for personal and research purposes. The publications issued by the BMK can be read, downloaded, saved, printed and linked free of charge.

Citations are not only permitted, but also encouraged. The authors must be cited and appropriate reference must be made to the BMK as the publisher and, if the project is funded by the BMK, to the BMK's underlying research program.

Any publication or further processing of a publication issued by the BMK that goes beyond this permitted use, in particular a translation and any commercial publication, requires consent: this must be obtained from the BMK and/or the authors, depending on the contractual situation. Appropriate reference must be made to the BMK as the publisher of the original publication and, in the case of project funding, to the BMK's underlying research program.

In the case of publications for which the BMK is not the publisher, the authors, the publisher and the original website of the publication must be cited - and the respective terms of use must be observed.

In the case of contributions by authors that are published on the website as part of event documentation, the authors must be asked for their consent if uses other than those permitted under Section 42 of the Copyright Act are intended.


a) Contents of the web platform

The content provided on the web platform has been carefully compiled, but completeness, accuracy, topicality, availability of the content and freedom from third-party rights cannot be guaranteed. The publisher and the program managers and authors accept no liability whatsoever for any damages or disadvantages arising from the use or exploitation of the content.

The information on the web platform is necessarily of a general nature in many cases; specific circumstances may lead to different results in each individual case. The use of the content is at the user's own risk and in particular does not replace expert advice.

b) Third-party content

Third-party content is identified as such. However, despite the care taken in the adoption of the content, BMK assumes no responsibility or liability for ensuring that the information provided is free of third-party rights. If we become aware of any legal infringements, such content will be removed or corrected immediately. If you become aware of a copyright or other legal infringement, please contact the BMK immediately to resolve the matter. E-mail:

c) Links to other websites

The web platform contains links to third-party websites. The inclusion of links is a reference to representations and (also other) opinions, but does not mean that the content of these websites is endorsed. The operator of this web platform accepts no liability whatsoever for websites to which reference is made via a link. This applies both to their availability and to the content that can be accessed there. As far as the operator is aware, the linked pages do not contain any illegal content; should such content become known, the electronic link will be removed immediately in fulfillment of legal obligations.

Content-related information and technical problems

Should you discover any errors or mistakes in the content of our website, please contact Department III/3 of the BMK.

In the event of technical faults and problems, please contact WIENFLUSS KG directly by e-mail.



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The accessibility of PDF documents is also constantly being improved. Barrier-free access to the content of all PDF documents is not yet fully possible with the resources currently available. External documents in particular, such as presentation documents, unfortunately cannot be offered completely barrier-free.

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